About me
My name’s Sophia Bennett, and I write about girls discovering their inner power. Sometimes they’re fashion designers or models, sometimes they’re Victorian servants, or great artists, or spies. They’re always a lot braver than they know, and I love it when they finally figure that out.
The Bigger Picture (the art one)
How many great women artists can you name? Written for the Tate, The Bigger Picture describes the amazing lives and process of over 30 female artists, many of whom are alive today. Several of them even did interviews for the book.
Threads (the fashion ones)
‘Disney, get out your chequebook. Threads is the next Princess Diaries — only hotter.’ – The Times ‘A treat… elegant and funny and has real narrative verve.’ – David Almond ‘A vibrant and thought-provoking story for fashion-conscious girls of 11+. …This is not just a great book, it’s pure gold.’
Love Song (the romance)
“It’s close to being perfect Young Adult fiction” The Bookabelles “Love Song is an intelligent and thoughtful read which handles the all-consuming emotion of a first crush rather beautifully” the Goldsboro Romantic Novel of the Year award 2017 “… turns the ultimate teen dream into a wholly believable and unputdownable
Following Ophelia (the history ones)
“A vivid portrait of Pre-Raphaelite glamour and the perils of beauty, desire and independence.”
Anna McKerrow, author and children’s book review editor for Booktrust
Writing tips
Writing is rewriting The first draft always sucks Writers are people who find writing more difficult than other people Thomas Mann I love that last quotation from Thomas Mann. The more I write, the more I find it’s true. The first two statements may seem off-putting, but once you’re into